Dark Light
In times of desperation, unconventional measures may be worse than the problem itself.

The banners of destiny fluttered ominously in the distance, their vibrant colors symbolizing the impending clash of powers. The invading army, a formidable force prepared for the ultimate battle, converged upon the city of Eden with a ruthless determination. Within the city walls, Lucius, burdened by the knowledge of his city’s ill-preparedness, braced himself for the inevitable. A sense of resignation settled upon him, for he knew that the end was nigh.

From his vantage point, Lucius gazed upon the spectacle unfolding on the outskirts of his city. It was a grand display of might, an arrogant proclamation to halt the world’s progress. Yet, amidst the chaos, Lucius couldn’t help but harbor a flicker of doubt. The weight of responsibility rested upon his weary shoulders, and he surveyed the loyal minions awaiting his command.

As Lucius observed, his eyes were drawn to a plastic bag, caught in the whims of the wind. It danced with an ephemeral grace, a fleeting reminder that his cause was just. In his heart, he believed that the world superseded mere humanity. His mission: to exterminate the masses, to reshape the destiny of the planet. A man of mystery, known only as Cerberus, the enigmatic guardian of cybersecurity, approached Lucius, a few paces separating them.

“How are the systems, Cerberus?” Lucius inquired, his voice laden with anticipation.

“All systems are online and primed for your command,” Cerberus replied, his voice tinged with an air of quiet confidence.

“Excellent,” Lucius affirmed, a glimmer of satisfaction illuminating his eyes. “They shall not arrive in time to impede us.”

Gabriel, one of Lucius’ trusted generals, abruptly rose from his seat, his countenance betraying a defiance that defied convention. The ever-vigilant system detected this unorthodox behavior and swiftly trained its weapons on Gabriel’s direction, an automated response to any deviation from the norm.

Lucius regarded his friend with astonishment, his mind grappling to comprehend the sudden turn of events. Gabriel retrieved a revolver from his pocket, and in a fateful moment, the system enacted its preprogrammed command. Guns hidden within the chamber of the command center erupted in a cacophony of violence. When the echoes ceased, Gabriel lay lifeless upon the cold ground.

“It is futile,” Lucius murmured, a profound sorrow seeping into his voice. “We know what must be done. We possess the means to accomplish it. This is not a war waged to change minds, for we have toiled in that endeavor for far too long. No, this is a war fought to salvage our world, so that future generations of humanity may bask in its ethereal splendor.”

With a measured stride, Lucius approached the grand window of the command center, his eyes casting upon a world that failed to comprehend his vision. In his heart, he found solace, for he believed unequivocally that his path was righteous, surpassing the significance of his own existence.

“Unleash Heaven’s Fury,” Lucius commanded, his voice unwavering.

Cerberus, the sentinel of the digital realm, pressed a key on the computer console, his actions decisive and final.

In that fleeting moment, Lucius understood that this marked the culmination of everything. It signified the end of an ancient era for humanity, a resounding finale. Missiles, meticulously hidden and poised across the globe, sprung to life, their collective roar piercing the heavens. Millions of them, like fiery comets propelled by destiny, ascended into the skies. For an ephemeral pause, they hung suspended, suspended as if time itself held its breath, freezing

existence in a singular instance. And then, with resolute purpose, they detonated, their payloads of poison dispersing like a voracious mist. Across the vast expanse of metropolitan cities, a slow descent began, a verdant cloud blanketing the urban landscapes.

Humanity, ensnared in a ruthless grip, felt the scorching inferno invade their lungs, prompting their bodies to react with primal urgency. Desperate screams pierced the air, an orchestra of anguish, before life succumbed to the inevitable embrace of death. On that fateful day, the philosophy of unbridled growth breathed its last, extinguished. The relentless pursuit of material desires met its demise. And in that irrevocable moment, the world was liberated from the affliction of a tormented mind, cleansed by a cataclysmic cure.

  1. I enjoyed your apocalyptic short story very much, Sebastian. I like the idea of a world void of the intervention of humans. Mother nature taking over again: a balance of global temperature and clean, post primeval air allowing new life to exist and evolve. I think that billions of years hence, if humans re-evolved nothing will have changed. All their intellectual assets will be focused once again on wars and destroying the planet. The human race, and other similar intergalactic species would still have a propensity to violence and not err on the side of kindness and love and the Utopia which should exist on Earth or elsewhere. We can but dream. Who was it said that the dreamers will inherit the earth?
    Stay well and productive.

  2. I love your writing.
    I always thought that humans became the same as a deadly virus and that we are killing this planet. When COVID came I really thought: “That is it, Earth finally found a way to exterminate the humans, the virus”. But it didn’t happen the way I was expecting.

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