Dark Light
A knight and his group of adventurers in search of the solution to the problem of a nation in crisis.

The knight managed to protect himself from the attack that surprised him as he entered the room. The clash of his sword against the creature’s claws nearly forced him to lose his grip, but Aslan was unwilling to lose. There was a strength inside him that kept him going, despite the fatigue, beyond the pain he felt. After all, his mission was not personal.

So he stood up, wielding his sword—Radiance—ready to continue the battle. A few steps away was one of the Cerka, the most terrifying opponents he had ever encountered. The creature’s body had lost its traditional human characteristics, it looked more like an oversized bear. The hybrid between a human and a wolf struck again.

This time, unable to dodge the creature’s claws, Aslan felt his armor tear like butter carved with a hot knife. What are its claws made of?

Aslan couldn’t continue to fight for long—with his heavy breathing—the wasted energy to get to this place. A large dining room separated him from the creature, plates and cutlery scattered across the floor. A great banquet interrupted. The high walls of the room had windows on both sides, colored light shining through the glass mosaics.

Suddenly, the door that remained closed on the other side of the room was kicked open. Aslan turned to look, and to his surprise saw another Cerka—with metal claws—enter the room. Another one?

There was no way out. Aslan was alone and had no idea what he might find by continuing to the next room. “Light, protect me,” he said and his bright aura lit up. Aslan took his great sword, Radiance, with both hands—closing his eyes to receive the blessing. Opening them, his eyes shone almost as bright as the blade of his weapon.

The creatures stopped to cover their eyes—the light made the entire room bright. But, when the intensity diminished, the creatures continued the attack.

Aslan took up a defensive posture, watching the creatures approach from different sides—calculating which will be the first to arrive. I got you. His sword left a line of light after the attack, with a precise movement he smashed it against his opponent. The creature tried to contract its skin to avoid getting cut, but it was impossible.

The other Cerka stopped when he saw his partner fall into two different places—twisting before going still. And turned to flee.

No you won’t, Aslan thought, picking up the book dangling from a chain at his side. Then he pointed his sword at the creature and a shaft of light slammed into it—sending it forcefully through one of the huge windows.

Aslan stopped to watch the great fall from the edge of the shattered window. Then he turned to the door the second creature exited through and continued his search.

“Aslan,” said Sharai—the sorceress in the long blue dress. “We have to save the princess.”

Aslan nodded, placing his greatsword on his shoulder. “Where are the others?”

“I have not seen them.”

They are fine, I can feel them. “Follow me,” Aslan said. “We have work to do.”

The two of them ran to the door of the next room.

  1. Hi, Sebastian! This is the first time I noticed an English version, so the previous ones I have not read. Therefore, I felt like I was coming in at the middle, not knowing the characters or their circumstances which let to this battle. But it sounds like part of a movie I would have fun watching.
    Thanks for sending your work to me.
    Penny Dubin

    1. I haven’t been posting in English, but I finally decided to translate all my short stories—and you don’t have to worry, most of them are standalone works of art. Feel free to visit anytime, and I hope you continue enjoying my creations.

  2. Hi Sebastian, what a great story teller you are! Your story is so visual, so enthralling to read, that I can’t wait to read your other posts. And your website is such a great companion to your fiction.

  3. I’m glad they are in English now so I can read them. The genre is not a favorite of mine, therefore, not one I typically read, but your writing definitely shows great potential. You draw your reader into the action very well. I think people who read this fantasy genre would like it!

  4. Sebastian, thank you for visiting my site. I have browsed your work and it is creative. I believe your excursions into creative expression about what you cannot suppress are meant to appeal to those who gravitate to darker imagery. To be sure, the darkness is real; and the battle is real. Your work accentuates the conflict with gravely picturesque strokes on a canvas you have described as fiction. I wonder how many readers relish identifying with “Finn Fiend” and actually raise a cheer for him because of the creativity in your fiction. Feels like mind games to me; but then, I am unwaveringly devoted to God who is the Author of all our good gifts. Cloaking truth with that which appeals to base appetites and grizzly fascinations is painful to me. If you decide to continue following my blog, I hope you will find my site to be a place that speaks openly, boldly and with grace about eternally significant issues in our temporary dusty existence this side of glory.

  5. Do you really read our sites? That is amazing. I like your stories I hope to be even an millimeter as good. I also love the pictures you display. Are they yours? ( bashful) I’ve kept some in my library. Thank you

  6. got to catch up with you, after sometime. Read your narrative. You do write, didn’t know you then. I did read. Like the graphics. More of an artist, than a writer? Definitely, another world.

  7. Hello Sebastian,
    The story is really engaging. I find pleasure reading for you and I will continue doing so.
    I also find the layout of your blog comfortable for my eyes.
    Thank you!

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