Dark Light
This is a thought that occurred to me when I was about to cross the line that divides an author from a person who is thinking about writing a book.

As human beings, we often find ourselves trapped by our own desires and ambitions. We wander aimlessly, seeking an elusive end to our journey, while losing sight of the road of life, where every second counts. We waste our time in places we dislike, doing things we don’t enjoy.

I have experienced this firsthand as a member of humanity’s productive forces. As a former employee who worked long shifts and repeated endless tasks, I understand the struggle of trying to find meaning in life and forming connections with others.

Somewhere along the way, we’ve been led down a destructive path, where we blindly fall into an endless abyss, hating every second of existence. We try to find enjoyment in things that don’t truly make us happy, all while chasing someone else’s goals. Life loses its significance.

It’s time to stop feeling sorry for ourselves and start walking with purpose, even if it means having no money in our pockets. If we focus on survival, we can forget our loneliness and find the love and connection we need. After all, we’re all in this together.

It may be challenging to imagine a world where we are truly free, but it’s a challenge worth undertaking. Otherwise, we’ll remain slaves to the idea of not having any needs. Let’s break free from our self-imposed constraints and start living life to the fullest, one moment at a time.

      1. I popped over to read your blog and enjoyed it – especially this one. I look forward to finding time and reading your stories as well!

  1. It seems that the hardest part is identifying that the way of life and understanding of it is the cause of issue, if we turn from this path before us then we finally will see the many other directions and paths we can travel. But that first step, looking elsewhere for meaning, is so hard.

  2. It is trite remark – if you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. Somehow I don’t think love and work can exist together for longer. I meant the work that pays. We often love the work we do, don’t we? But the ones that pay us for a living aren’t really lovable jobs. They are monotonous and it is fine as long as we get some balance in life – to keep that job and love separate. When that work starts to overshadow everything else in our lives, then it becomes a problem. I don’t mind working at a place where I get enough money to keep other things I like to do, in check. I mean just for few hours a day. But it is confusing. I am still learning.

  3. Exactly.. It’s hard to imagine a world where we are free because we are controlled by our thinking. That’s why we should just do our work, not worry about the result – this is what I have learned from my life.

  4. It’s a challenge to not become a cog in someone else’s dream machine. “following someone else’s goals. Life has turned unimportant.”

  5. The fact of the matter is the vast majority of people fail to harness creativity because they are too preoccupied with socioeconomic survival. It is no secret: we are defined by our existential surroundings, particularly by the people in our lives. They can make or break us psychologically for better or worse. As much as success is about access, it is also about mentorship. A person may never realize their truest potential because they found few people to believe in them.

    A person has a responsibility to themselves & families to find work that is both dignified & purposeful even though it may be drastically less than fulfilling. One of the most invaluable lessons in life is this: do a job, do it well, & be the best in what you do irrespective of your field or vocation. The world is defined by awe & beauty, but it is also defined by mundanity & mediocrity which means our everyday reality is ultimately what we make of it.

    It is all about staying consistent with the long term goals & objectives one has for their work. In other words, keep doing what you need to do in the meantime for your socioeconomic survival until you can get to where you want to be in life.

  6. I too was a member of humanities productive forces and I hope I have started down this path before all of the creativity was extinguished. Very nice and engaging writing.

  7. I know some musicians and singers who are waiting for the perfect conditions to “be discovered” and writers who are waiting to find the perfect plot before they’ll start writing, and they never share their gifts with the people around them. They want the big time, now, the whole enchilada, and nothing less will do. Meanwhile, many others find ways to share their gifts online or in their community, and everyone is enriched, blessed by those gifts. Even if we can’t quit our day jobs, we can find other ways to express and share our creativity. Thanks for sharing!

  8. First of all, this totally makes sense. I think a lot of us fall in that trap or follow that road, I know for sure I am one of them. Now, I had lost touch of your site and stories, but something amazing happen today, I found a message you had sent me on a previous comment. I am so glad I did, because you simply have an amazing way of writing and enjoy perusing your site. Great post and I am glad I was able to reconnect.

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Hello world!

The first step into your journey its half of the work you need to achieve a goal. Remember that one must be wise to choose a proper path.

The End

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