Dark Light
My search for an answers has led me to believe that I need to create a world, this way I’ll be able to see every perspective to define evil.

Life is full of mysteries, and as humans, we often find ourselves struggling to choose between right and wrong. While it would be easier if someone could provide us with clear directions, we are left with the power of our own free will. With an overwhelming amount of information available to us, it can be challenging to navigate, despite our intelligence surpassing that of our ancestors.

After much reflection, I have decided to write a novel where the main character embarks on a journey to find answers. Though I have yet to meet him, I am confident that his quest began long before the novel’s inception. My hope is to create a world of imagination where he can work through his struggles, while remaining true to the present.

In order to create a relatable character, I believe it is important for him to possess a desire for knowledge. By doing so, the answers he seeks may be more easily attained. Though it may not be the most exciting starting point, it is a necessary step in the journey. Furthermore, I want the character to have a passion for life and a desire for growth, even in the face of adversity.

As the character progresses, he may find joy in his work and take steps to help those less fortunate. It is important for him to be independent, rather than reliant on charity. By doing so, he can maintain a sense of pride in his accomplishments, while still contributing to the betterment of society.

While we live in a time where teamwork is no longer a necessity and physical predators no longer lurk in the dark, human interaction remains essential. Many find solace in solitude, yet working with others for a common goal can lead to tremendous success. The character must possess the necessary social skills to work with others, while also knowing the value of silence.

Overall, I hope to create a memorable and relatable character, who can inspire readers to embrace life’s mysteries and find joy in the pursuit of knowledge. As I embark on this journey to become a novelist, I am excited to see how the character’s story unfolds.

          1. It is a pity that just for rent paying people have to make such an effort! I am an age pensioner and have all the time for writing as far as my age and health permits. Luckily I own my own home and don’t have to pay rent. But certain maintenance and renovations are at times a bit of a headache!

  1. I love this! I saw some draft chapters of the novel, I know some Spanish but not really near that fluent yet, guess I have to put more hours into studying it because I want to read this novel when it’s published!

      1. That’s great then! I wish you all the best as you write this novel, it sounds amazing and I’m sure there are many others, who like me, can’t wait to be able to read it and support you! ♡

  2. There’s a whole book of answers, not from ourselves. We aren’t starting with nothing but free will, but free will plus instruction. 🦋. Enjoyable writing, Thanku

  3. It is a pity that I had to disable my follow and likes button. I come from a background where interactions with strangers might be taken unnecessarily in a weird manner. Having a complicated life already, I cant complicate matters for me, more! Sorry, I can’t support right now. Have tons of troubles of my own. I don’t read fiction as of now. Even though I spend my life in imaginary world. Thanks for the likes but those could have been very misleading for my kind. I wish you best! Thanks Anchita

  4. I liked your choice of picture. Something that lighted up journey back in 2014! It felt so deep to take a look at that picture after reading what you wrote. I was listening to one Catholic priest sermon and he talked about a theory of “Rest of the story”. That sun feels like your rest of the story. I am glad someone is beaming His rays at you from somewhere perfect to light you up!

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