Dark Light
Following the path that the creator left you is impossible without a guide. However, many think that obeying the voices of the mind will lead us to madness.

By letting oneself be carried away by the currents of time it becomes impossible to stare into the past. Blinded by the turbulence, we must accept being a leaf on the river that follows its natural course, but things were no longer like that for Francis. He learned to navigate the rapids of time and saw that everything was a lie.

Francis observed life from a different perspective. His boat managed to bring calm to the journey. From it, he could see forces that were no longer natural. The flow of time was being diverted into a current that no longer followed the laws of nature. The detour led everything down a channel that blocked the correct path of life. Fate was being manipulated.

Francis managed to find a quantum tunnel that took him back to the journey he was supposed to take. Somehow Murphy’s Law was reversed and now everything was perfect. Despite that, he lived in the same world as everyone else. Time traveled at the same rate but… nothing made sense, everyone else seemed oblivious to his discoveries and yet they continued to travel by his side.

Perhaps this idea made him lose his sanity. It was possible that he was the only one fighting against the currents. Francis went on living certain that, despite all the sources of manipulation, he would receive the strength to follow thy will. For that, he just had to learn to listen to the voice inside him. He learned to decipher the messages that arrive without a language. The sounds that one can only hear while keeping the mind in complete silence.

This is how Francis decided to embark on a journey into the unknown. He mustered up the courage to choose the darkest path into the forest. The mute voice was the only light that illuminated his footsteps. He walked cautiously, certain that life would bring him surprises. Francis was willing to do whatever it took to get to the end of his journey.

Francis felt the arrival of an enemy. The energy of the currents of time was clear in his opponent. A light illuminated the hands of the woman waiting for him.

“Your family hired me to force you back home,” Barbara said. A woman with golden hair covered by a white hood.

Francis assumed the stranger was a sorcerer as soon as he saw the ruby-bladed sword. The power emanating from the weapon was impossible to comprehend.

“I’m taking you by force,” Barbara said and two fire golems appeared in front of her.

Francis unsheathed his sword and looked from side to side for an exit. Nothing.

“Queen Elena is eager for your safe return,” Barbara said.

Francis watched as the fire golems approached. “Why would you insist on forcing me away from my path?”

“Isn’t it obvious, prince?” Barbara said. “You play a crucial part in the future of our kingdom.”

“They should have thought of that before treating me like an enemy,” Francis said.

“The past has been forgotten,” said Barbara. “The queen just wants you to come back and take your rightful place.”

“She should have thought of that before threatening my well-being,” Francis said. “If you dare to become an obstacle, you will suffer the same fate.”

“We’ll see about that,” Barbara said, and a flame lit up in her eyes.

Francis raised his sword to defend himself from the fire golems… at that instant, he left his mind blank and listen for the silent voice. The message was clear. Drop your weapons and accept the destiny that life has in store for you.

The golems tried to hit Francis but the flames passed through him without touching his skin.

“It’s useless,” said Francis.

Barbara was surprised to see the prince’s sword fall to the ground. She gripped her ruby-bladed sword with both hands and felt a fire build up. She then aimed to shoot Francis… silence. The outburst left her momentarily deaf. Looking down, as the smoke cleared, she saw the remains of the sword on the ground.

“I advised you not to act against me,” said Francis.

Barbara fell to her knees to reach the scattered ruby shards, while a tear rolled down her cheek.

Francis picked up his sword and walked toward the sorcerer. “I’m sorry,” he said before walking away.

  1. ⛵His boat managed to bring calm to the journey. ⛵

    this is a difficult and an impressive feat.
    you pen it so easily. feels so light and accomplished. i really love this sentence, it has the whiff of poetry

  2. ⛵The flow of time was being diverted into a current that no longer followed the laws of nature. Fate was being manipulated.⛵

    I was enraptured too soon. That the word calm could lead me on
    I’m utterly devastated

  3. ⛵Perhaps this idea made him lose his sanity. It was possible that he was the only one fighting against the currents⛵

    Can you imagine, like a state of Schizophrenia perhaps?

  4. ⛵A woman with golden hair covered by a white hood.⛵

    most stories of this nature have the same or similar image

  5. ⛵Drop your weapons and accept the destiny that life has in store for you.⛵

    what a turn of events
    the voice was programmed for this destiny

  6. ⛵Barbara fell to her knees to reach the scattered ruby shards, while a tear rolled down her cheek.⛵

    In this moment, in this enchanying encounter with these dramatic words, I felt my heart bleed for her.
    mission failed.
    ⛵Francis picked up his sword and walked toward the sorcerer. “I’m sorry,” he said before walking away.⛵

    He has sailed
    with some feelings of love in his heart?

    You are and extraordinary author.
    It’s the kind of movie I could watch.
    Journeys are full of everything. They provide a pair of shoes 👞 👟 for men and women and children.

  7. “He learned to navigate the rapids of time and saw that everything was a lie.
    Francis observed life from a different perspective”

    “…he just had to learn to listen to the voice inside him. He learned to decipher the messages that arrive without a language.”

  8. Minds create chaos, leading to madness. Soul speaks with the voice of truth. Our life task is to learn to be silent and hear our truth instead of mind’s misdirection.

  9. Grievance was expressed as Barbara confronted Prince Francis who would do great exploits in the kingdom but was aggrieved by the kingdom or so he perceived. Sebastian is such a great writer, evident in his use of the principle of show don’t tell and suspense to keep the reader perusing over the work till the last word.

  10. Lovely story, and for some its reality, we have to accept our destiny and try to live with the path that fate chooses, it’s difficult 😥 as much as we try to fight for what makes us happy fate turns the path. I’m trying to accomplish that path of acceptance embrace what wants you rather than wish for what turns a blind eye

  11. Very well written, of course you know who I think is the voice, but I liked this very much!

  12. I kind of sense you are going in a different direction with your writings. Always creative and always well done. This one seems a little more spiritual and a little less fabulous. Either way, really a good story.

  13. I love the ideas in this story. So often we try to fight to find the right path, or at least the one we think is right. Sometimes it is a matter of summoning the strength required to let go of the control we think we have, for in life there are many things we cannot control.

    Thank you for sharing this story, and thank you for the reminder that it is not with weapons that we accomplish our greatest feats.

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