Dark Light
A personal story that could be the beginning of my writing career, even before I was able to understand how important it was.

The sun shined brightly as it emerged from the ocean and most welcomed it with joy; the delightful singing of the birds turned into a soft alarm clock for those resting and gathering energy for the day to come. However, Marco was unlike other boys his age because he didn’t like Sunday mornings nor any other morning. Sunday was just another regular day for him as he got home after his night shift. The only wish in his head was to get some rest and gather strength to continue with the rest of the day. Marco was not an ordinary twenty-one year old; rather, he looked tired, angry, and there was something dark about him that was hard to comprehend. He wasn’t very communicative, which made it hard to see deep inside of his soul and figure out the kind of person lurking inside of him.

Marco had been a joyful kid his entire childhood; it was hard for a kid from a loving family to suffer, but there is little to know about his past. The change took place after his father Andre lost everything he owned. Andre was a strong man who had never taken a “no” for an answer and had built his career opening paths for himself but not caring for anyone who stood in his way.

It’s Sunday morning, and contrary to the bright rays outside of Marco’s windows, his room looks dark and hollow as if something outside of this world lived within it. Inside this chamber rested an over-sized mattress covering the entire room’s floor with no signs of life on the walls or ceilings. The only use Marco had for his room was to rest.

A faded memory traveled through his head as he laid numb in bed, his sight lost on the featureless white ceiling of the pale room. It seemed only yesterday when he turned nineteen, life was beginning filled with surprises. Marco saw himself receiving his first paycheck after a long month of work. He had no reason to work; yet the thought of earning money in exchange for his effort, filled him with joy. Marco’s job was cleaning an office and making some other small arrangements; simple tasks for a bright boy with a promising future. No one expected to see the smartest kid in school ending up cleaning an office; yet time flew, and he was about to receive his first shiny paycheck. The unprecedented bliss on Marco’s face. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS read the check. He had never seen so much money in his life, and his mind wandered all day as he thought about the things he could buy. Nevertheless, Marco wasn’t one of those kids who would have spent his money on junk. Even as a little child, he had saved all of his allowances thinking about the bigger things he could use the money on.

He returned home, happy, filled with joy, like every kid would after receiving his first hard-working paycheck. The setting at home was peculiar, and his mother Ruby didn’t look as energetic as her usual self. Suddenly, out of nowhere, the man who had led them to this forsaken life showed up. Andre had the same look on his face as he did the day they ran away from his mistakes. Marco remembered the look on his father’s face as if it was only yesterday when he asked him to flee the country with him. Back then Marco didn’t understand the reason, but he now knew exactly who the person standing in front of him was. The words came flying out like bullets toward Marco with no chance for him to dodge them or survive the onslaught.

It’s said that you can see a person die on the saddest day of their life, and if you were there that day, you could have seen Marco’s body falling lifelessly to the ground. The words struck him faster and harder than a bullet would; the pain was so intense and brutal that Marco couldn’t even remember what happened to him the next couple of years. His last joyful memory was killed by a blow of the man who had given him life. There was no option and no argument as he raised his hand, turned his cheek and signed a contract with the devil for the “good of the family”.

Almost three years had passed since this imprisonment, and Marco’s days were endless as he worked two and three shifts to support his father’s needs. Today was no different from any other day, as he laid lifeless on the mattress he shared with his brother. There were no happy memories he could recall, and if there were any, they found a way to disappear from his mind. The only memories that remained were working at the restaurant, as a newspaper delivery boy, at a tire shop, at customer service, as a pizza delivery boy, and sometimes he didn’t even know if these memories were his or those of a stranger, planted in his head.

It was a dark night, and Marco was driving one of his father’s cars to the movie theater. The lights of the other vehicles glared into his eyes as he reached for one of his father’s cell phones. Marco’s hand unconsciously trembled as he dialed the number. Any conversation with Andre ended in an argument that Marco couldn’t remember starting, but today was his lucky day. Unlike other days, his father had allowed him to use the money he had earned from endless hours of useless tasks on something he actually enjoyed. Today was the day Marco was finally able to use his money to reward himself.

Sleeping was so easy for Marco, but being awake had always brought him trouble. There were a multitude of thoughts haunting him, and he didn’t know how to make them stop. Kill yourself! Was the thought he heard the most. Free yourself! The idea came vividly, and he didn’t know how to manage them. You are the only person who can make you happy, he thought with joy, but the moment quickly passed because he knew he was all alone.

It was another Sunday morning, and Andre’s family had plans for the day, but Marco never found them interesting. Although he was required to show up with a smile on his face. Not even the bright rays of the morning sun could interfere with his slumber, and his rest was all he needed to continue providing for Andre’s unstoppable ambition.

Soon, he was away from it all, in the only place they couldn’t reach him, although the screaming would soon begin. There was always something important and today was no different as Marco’s sister needed to be taken out somewhere. He had learned obedience as a dog, but he was too tired. Today was especially hard for him, but he followed the command that was given from his maker.

Marco got lost in a land Andre couldn’t control, dreaming pleasantly of a different reality. His sweet, innocent fifteen year old sister showed up, and she too didn’t know what turned her brother into a dark and mysterious person. The only wish she ever had was having a family like they used to, but there was no time for that, because she had to quickly be somewhere. Marco was awakened by his sister even though she didn’t like to mess with him while he slept, but today he seemed normal. They got ready to leave, but the thoughts came back to his mind before they left.

The thoughts were not always right, but Marco was fortunate to have a friend outside of the family, someone who helped him feel normal. He could never remember his name, but he existed, and he was the only person who made the thoughts disappear. Today he called Marco as soon as he and his sister started driving to their destination. The journey was too normal for Marco’s standards, and he found peace while driving, especially when his friend was on the phone. The car was too quiet for his sister who saw life with joy. She was far too innocent and small to fall under Andre’s claws. Breaking the awkward silence, his sister decided to start talking to his brother, unaware of the friend on the other side of the phone.

There was no friend on the phone, yet pretending allowed him to stop having conversations with Andre’s family members. Marco was only looking for a way to make the thoughts disappear, but today nothing was working according to plan. His reality was all too painful for anyone to live within it, and he found a way to escape from it. His father’s daughter, though, was messing with a reality that made him feel safe.

Marco snapped!

This was the moment where the glass filled with all the pain and suffering he had faced. Marco’s anger bloomed inside of him as he became his father’s son, filled with greed, wrath, envy, pride, and lust. His first act after realising his hatred was to cast his sister out of the car even though he managed to stop before doing so. Some would say he loved her under all the pain, but it wasn’t certain.

Ever since Marco’s transformation, a war had brewed between the master and his revealing slave. Heated arguments were regular under Andre’s roof, and they were now becoming louder and occurring more often. Unknowingly, Marco began following in his father’s footsteps, but no one predicted the end of his path. Even his mother Ruby didn’t want to see what he was capable of doing.

The thoughts in Marco’s head became stronger and stronger until the day came when he found the courage to finally end his imprisonment. It was early morning, and Marco had just gotten back from work. He only had a few minutes to get ready and leave for this other job. It was the worst rainy day of the season, the sky was filled with dark clouds pouring endless amounts of rain upon the land. Marco knew this was the perfect setting to end it all, but before leaving, he kissed Ruby goodbye knowing he would never see her again. He knew this was the last day in this trap.

While in his car driving to work, it all became clear to him. The rain could make anything happen. The roads were rather empty on this Sunday morning, and his car was speeding along the highway with almost no visibility. The decision quickly made, and Marco couldn’t do anything to stop it. Helpless, he witnessed his car slowly moving towards a perfect collision. The car’s left front end hit the highway divider lifting the car and suspending it midair. Physics took care of the rest as Marco sat in the driver’s seat while the car tumbled and crashed over and over. Unlike others, Marco didn’t see his life flash before his eyes; rather, he felt freedom for the first time in a long time. The car finally came to a stop after what seemed like hours of flying, hitting, and bouncing with glass and pieces of metal flying everywhere.

Marco died that day but so did his imprisonment, the pain he went through, and the bonds he shared with his so-called family. Cars passing by stopped to stare at the terrible accident, afraid of finding bodies that could have been passengers in the vehicle. Someone opened his eyes within the wreck, and it was a miracle to see anyone had survived. A new person with no name emerged from the wreckage; a person without a scratch, no past or regrets, and no family. This person finally had an entire life in front of him.

Marco was rebirthed.

  1. Hello… someone liked one of my posts, and that’s how I found you…

    I’ve been reading many of your short stories… and wow, I couldn’t stop…you’ve no doubt heard this many times, but you are a superb writer.
    There are very few writers that can grab my attention and focus that’s for sure!
    But it seems you are one of them.

    You’re imagination and story telling is impressive!

    I wish you well on your journey!

      1. Your stories are like pure escapism… I am taken from my world and transported into your world, and suddenly reality is gone for a while…

        It is nice to be in another world for a while…even if it is fiction…

        They say the pen (or rather the words that are written) are mightier than the sword…and there is a reason for this.

        Especially when those with an intelligent, active, and experienced imagination learn how to use those words.

        I believe you have and are doing this to good effect!

        When you truly love something…it shows… and you show you love writing…as much as it shows it loves you in return.

  2. This was an intersting tale of the inner conflict many of us struggle with. Thank you for finding my stories. Feel free to comment. I appreciate your attention and efforts.

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