Dark Light
Life has surprises to which we aren’t always prepared, but experiencing them helps us discover ourselves and grow.

Driving at full speed on an empty road. Gabin could only think about getting back on time. A state audit surprised him in the middle of the afternoon. The inspectors were ready to review the factory’s operations.

The inspectors were being entertained by some company employees, while Gabin pressed the accelerator of his car as soon as the light turned green. It had been five weeks since he finally, after so much effort, managed to qualify for the environmental standards. Unfortunately, the certificates were still inside a folder in a room of his family’s house.

This was the perfect opportunity to make use of something that he worked to get. But the certificates were still too far from him.

Traveling at full speed, he could imagine the inspectors walking around the facility and looking for a mistake.

Looking at the doors of his house garage gave him a much needed reassurance… he hurried out of the vehicle and ran home. He noticed that the place was unusually empty, but gave it little attention. Gabin rushed upstairs and entered a small living room on the second floor.

This was the first time that beauty dazzled Gabin. He immediately caught a glimpse of the beautiful figure of a stranger on top of the small table in the center of the room. His senses completely focused on her…Gabin didn’t notice but, for an instant, he could sense the fragrance of the stranger from the group of people present.

“What’s going on?” he asked with a smile, turning to get a better angle of her.

Gabin uselessly pretended that the girl wasn’t the only one present in the room. His eyes looked her up from head to toe, just for a moment before looking away from her.

“Do you think she looks cute?” said someone around him. Of course, at that moment, Gabin couldn’t recognize the person who was talking to him.

“We are preparing the dress for tonight,” said someone else.

Gabin looked at her again. She was dazzling, a beauty difficult to behold for long. Without realizing it, he began to breathe through his mouth and turned towards the group.

“What are you getting her ready for?” Gabin asked.

“You’re invited too,” the words came out like the sweetest melody Gabin has ever heard. The phrase was the closing line of a spell. He felt his body lightening, and his view narrowed.

Gabin looked up. The girl’s sweet red lips glowed. He slowly looked upward until he met the depth of her blue eyes.

The words stuck inside of Gabin’s throat; leaving him speechless. “You look… great,” he finally said, controlling his heart’s voice.

It needed to express all the beauty that he was admiring. However, Gabin lowered his gaze and tried to remember the reason for him getting home early.

“I wish you luck,” Gabin said, looking into her eyes again. Imagining the feeling of the soft skin on her face. “I’ll see you there.”

With that, Gabin left the room and tried to go back to what he was doing. Although, for some reason, it was very difficult to remember. The only thing he could focus his attention on was the beauty of the girl, and his plans began to revolve around seeing her again.

    1. Remember we are not just listening to stories we are inspiring our own minds. If you like the blog on this site, please like, comment and site

  1. Hmmm… to Gavin, the ‘words came out like the sweetest melody.’ So why do I get the feeling that the tone was not? I got an inclination that he’s in for a rude awakening. For this girl, if she is, is more than meets the eye…

  2. I am glad that you are on your way to achieve your goal. Good luck and keep it up 👍🏼

    1. Remember we are not just listening to stories we are inspiring our own minds. If you like the blog on this site, please like, comment and site

  3. I like your basic intent, but the commercials or ads kept breaking up the story flow. Was the girl real or a portrait? It would be interesting if she were, but its not my story. I hope you continue so I can figure some things out without the interruptions. Very good.

  4. The first thing that came to my mind was the sirens on the sea and the poor sailors drown into her dangerous web. I think it was the her voice that cemented that idea in my mind. I am intensely interested to see what disaster she wreaks!

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  6. Love how this line show’s his disorientation: “Do you think she looks cute?” said someone around him. Of course, at that moment, Gabin couldn’t recognize the person who was talking to him.” Good work here. Love flash fiction, My take is that these are faery folk? He’s in danger of being transported or abducted as they are wont to do?

  7. Sometimes it is the unknown that stretches a person’s perception and his or her eyes see differently. Love has a lot to do with the mental perception of what is perceived. I pondered over where it will go or will it end with an unchanged perception.
    An engaging excerpt.
    Shalom aleichem

  8. I enjoyed this short work. I think flash fiction and shorter than short but longer than flash fiction will become a trend in the near future. People want stories on their phones on break and such.

  9. Thank you Sabastian for viewing and liking my post may the Lord richly bless you.I would like you to lecture me more about WordPress sins am a teenager

  10. Yes life always surprised us, still we plan for future we don’t know ,we can stay or not , But if you do what you want without planning, it will bring more happiness(according to me)

  11. What a lovely talent for writing! I love it. Have to find the beginning, but looking through the posts. You have a way of inviting new ones in, even if they weren’t there from the beginning! Which is awesome! Keep on writing!!!

  12. I can’t get enough of your short stories. I started reading them earlier and I literally feel like I’ve fallen down a rabbit hole, in the best way possible of course. Can’t wait to continue reading and keep up the fantastic work!

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