Dark Light
A fight no one had expected happens in the middle of the least expected of places. Just when everyone was ready to leave.

Alone and waiting for the others, Cleirk—the knight in black armor—took up his great hammer and walked to find a way out of the castle. It was obvious that he was lost. One by one he searched the rooms for a clue. Somehow, this didn’t seem like the same place.

“Lost, aren’t you?” asked an unfamiliar voice.

Cleirk looked from side to side, but was unable to find its source.

“I’ll try to make it as painless as possible.”

Cleirk took his hammer with both hands, searching with attention while taking a step backwards. His armor would protect him from a surprise attack—but he had to find out who he was up against.

Taking another step back, Cleirk realized he stepped into an invisible wall. It’s an illusion, he thought and slammed his hammer on the ground. A wave of force moved the images until they vanished.

A few steps away was a woman in an old black dress, her torn skirt reached the floor. However, it didn’t have enough fabric to hide the sorceress’s voluptuous body. Shedsa was holding a wooden staff with a red stone on top, the rock seemed to glow.

Shedsa raised her hand, showing her red nails—three tigers with red skin appeared in front of her. The force caused her dark red hair to rise.

Cleirk raised his great hammer to defend himself, watching the creature’s roar.

“Tell me, knight,” Shedsa said with her seductive red lips. “Are you ready to die?”

With that the creatures began the attack. Cleirk stopped one of them with his hammer, then struck another one. The creatures surrounded him, walking in a circle around him. One of the creatures leapt to meet the great hammer, only this time the blow was followed by an explosion.

Shedsa couldn’t see what was going on inside the black cloud, until a new explosion came, and then another.

Cleirk walked out of the cloud of smoke, carrying the great hammer over his shoulder. “Is that all you can do?” he asked, removing his helmet to show his black beard and wavy hair.

The knight must have been two feet taller than the sorceress. Shedsa seemed unimpressed, raising her staff to continue the fight. Balls of fire appeared and began to circle each other.

Cleirk stopped. “You don’t know how to fight with honor.”

The sorceress smiled. “What’s the fun in that?”

Cleirk saw two arms of fire come out of the walls at his sides, and he leaped backwards to avoid the attack.

“There is nothing you can do to win,” Shedsa said and froze the floor of the room.

Cleirk moved to avoid getting stuck on the ground.

“Smart,” Shedsa said and lowered her hand delicately.

Then the ceiling of the room fell on top Cleirk.

“I get bored easily,” Shedsa said.

“AH…” Cleirk yelled as he emerged from the mountain of rubble. “I’m tired of your magic,” he said and threw his great hammern at her.

Shedsa floated to the side to avoid the blow. “So much anger.” When she felt the cold steal of a knife against her back. The debris in the room was thrown against the walls by her magic, then she turned to look at the cause of her pain.

A small woman, even smaller than the sorceress, waited a few steps from Shedsa. “Why don’t you find someone of your own size?” she asked before attacking again.

Her movements were fast, too fast. Shedsa finished protecting herself from one attack when the next one arrived. Blade after blade then defending herself from a swing of her thin sword, and a kick across the floor.

Kesly moved with great dexterity, like a gymnast performing a perfect attack routine. Each move ended in an attack, making it impossible for the sorceress to have time to cast her spells. Slashing her skin, every now and then, just enough for the poison on her weapons to take effect.

Impossible, Shedsa thought, stepping back—unleashing an arsenal of powers to ward off the attack. “Stop.”

Shedsa fell to her knees, feeling the weakness caused by the poison. Kesly held the sorceress hair with one hand, her blade barely touching the skin of her neck. “You’re not worth it,” she said and pushed the sorceress to the ground.

“Are you okay, big guy?” Kesly asked when she found Cleirk on the floor.

“It was about time you showed up.”

“I had to steal this,” Kesly said, pulling a polished ruby ​​the size of her hand from a bag.

“I hope it’s enough cover my medical expenses,” Cleirk said, holding onto Kesly to walk. “Let’s get out of here.”

  1. Great story I like the how the glowing ruby is the centre of play. What powers does the ruby have? Will the ruby eventually find a more powerful mage? Great story.

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