Dark Light
Life is for the brave, for those who are willing to risk their pride and be sincere. Leave fear behind and enjoy the ride.

As she left the bakery, Esmeralda noticed that she had forgotten her wallet on the counter. Right away she turned before it was too late to get it back. As she entered, she saw Joaquín for the first time—a stocky man in a dark suit. She instantly noticed the man’s aftershave shadow.

Joaquín had dark hair, green eyes, and to Esmeralda’s surprise, her wallet too.

“Excuse me,” Esmeralda said as she approached him, “apparently you found my wallet.”

“Is it yours?” Joaquín asked as he moved it close to her. “But how can I know you are not lying?”

“Do I look like a thief?” Esmeralda asked, a little annoyed.

“It’s better to be safe than sorry,” Joaquín said with a smile. “What do you think will be the first thing I find in this wallet?”

“You’re not going to search it,” Esmeralda said, futilely trying to grab it from his hand.

“Let me see what we have here.”

“Really…” she insisted. “Please don’t.”

“I see,” Joaquín said as he took out an identification card. “You’re ashamed of this photo. Aren’t you?”

“Well…” Esmeralda said, stepping away from Joaquín. “Now that you know it’s mine… May I have it back?”

“I think this deserves a reward.”

“You’re cheeky.”

“It’s the least you can do,” Joaquín said. “Imagine if someone else had this photo in their possession.”

“No, seriously…”

“Let me take you out,” Joaquín said. “I know a place nearby that has the best pastries. You could get a coffee, if you want, and with that the due will be settled.”

“Are you going around asking out every woman you come across?”

“This is actually very strange to me,” Joaquín said. “Since I saw you leaving this place I wished with all my heart to have a chance to meet you. It was a surprise to see you approaching me.”

“You are good…”

“Come on,” Joaquín said, “give me a chance and you’ll see, we’re going to have fun.”

“I have things to do…”

“Cheer up,” Joaquín said, taking a step towards her, “I assure you that you’ll enjoy your time with me.”

Esmeralda sighed, having him so close to her. She could see a glint in the man’s green eyes, and she crossed her arms taking a step back. “I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“For me it was enough to hear your beautiful voice,” Joaquín said, handing over the wallet. “Getting to know the beauty you carry inside may be too much to ask out of life. In any case, I want you to know that it was a pleasure to talk with such a beautiful woman.”

Esmeralda took the wallet and raised her face to let her gaze meet him. “…okay,” she said. “But you better be a…”

Joaquín hugged Esmeralda around her waist and lifted her up with ease, instantly leaving her on the floor. “You have made me the happiest man.”

Esmeralda fell silent and felt the warmth of Joaquín’s hand underneath hers.

“It’s a date,” Joaquín said as he placed Esmeralda’s hand on his arm. “Let’s go then, my lady.”

  1. That is an unusual and very sweet story. I enjoyed reading it. I kept waiting for something terrible but was happy it didn’t come. Lovely. Hugs 🤗 Joni

      1. How lovely. Everyone wants love, acceptance and to feel grounded by another earthy being who accepts them for whom they are. Probably now more than ever. Hugs Joni

  2. The images and writing together were really able to take me into another world, and that’s something I find lacking in things of today’s world; being able to tell a story. I miss the lack of images in books nowadays and seeing your blog made me feel like that fantasy-part in my soul is a bit more complete.
    Are the images your own Artwork? They really are a portal into another world.

    1. I agree, illustrators are important for a complete fantastic experience. Sadly they aren’t originally mine, although I tweak them to maintain the essence of the site.

    1. I’m happy to know you enjoyed my story. Don’t worry, the internet has opened a door for me to share my stories with you, I’ll keep them coming. I hope to hear from you soon.

  3. Your relato corto speaks to social consequences of the global pandemic..social distancing becomes social disconnection becomes social isolation becomes..you get the picture..where the universally beautiful, very human act of flirting becomes a potential vector for COVID-19 transmission..yet if we are to be fully human again, flirting has to be rekindled..there are few experiences that compare to crossing paths with a total stranger who makes your heart momentarily stop..what an exhilarating feeling!

  4. Easier said then done! Because of the many who DON’T do this who try to FORCE you to conform (be like them)…tis why its bravery!😊 Scary as *uck this ACTUALLY is, because of the tremendous amount of opposition…societal pressure

  5. What a nice story! The gentleman was really walking the line, though! I was worried he would go too far with his teasing, but in the end, it was sweet.

  6. This is so profound, an eye opener for me, many times I try to run away from situations that risk my pride but you have to be brave to face your situations and not loose your sincerity in what you are doing.🙏🙂

  7. Haha 😆
    I can only think of one thing, “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.” (I John‬ ‭4:18‬ ‭NKJV‬‬) 🙌

  8. I have to say, as I am slightly jaded, that story terrified me! What was she thinking?? I mean I know he is kind-hearted, but only because you said so, she couldn’t know! But your story was most certainly engaging-good job!

  9. Flirting – I love this little story! So sad that flirting is a dying art – and one that can get many accused of sexual harassment these days.

    1. Hi Gina… you’re right, flirting shouldn’t disappear. Although, it’s becoming harder every day. I hope you’re enjoying my stories. I hope to see you back soon.

  10. Fun. Do men generally continue with efforts to persuade no matter how the woman is responding? I saw a couple do this (without the wallet part) in Acapulco a long time ago. Thank you for liking my blog post too.

    1. I’m happy that you liked Mary. I think it all depends on the man and the woman’s responses, for me it was very difficult to learn to differentiate between a no and a maybe.

      1. Very brave of you to share that comment, and much appreciated. Would you care to offer a sentence or two about your insights for a course I am working on?

    1. J Clarence, I’m glad to hear that you got your youth back. Time takes the things we used to love away from us and I think fiction helps us remember. I hope you continue to enjoy my stories.

      1. Thanks. I like what I have read.I will be sure to tour . t’s a pity with having my type of illness I find it difficult reading alot of things especially when one of my symptoms is getting ideas of reference(thinking all the time people are refering to me) . It’s why I find it difficult watching movies as well. I have written a bit about my illness on my blog. Thanks again.

        1. Dear Terriberry, it isn’t an illness, it’s an opportunity (as Dr. Joe Dispenza says). Personally I believe it is a gift, like blogging (and like a t-shirt!). Be free.

  11. Nice story, Sebastián. Thanks for visiting my website and liking my post about prose as poetry. Clearly you are someone who sees the poetry in life!

  12. This was nicely written…sounds like a prelude to a sweet romance – something rare in society that should be appreciated. I especially like the quote that precedes this short story : “Life is for the brave, for those who are willing to risk their pride and be sincere. Leave fear behind and enjoy the ride”. -It’s amazing how much could be accomplished and how lives can be impacted in a positive way, when our pride does not get in the way.

  13. Very true, Mrs. Gonzalez. Funny coincidence that came in my email today about a 3-star review of a book on how to flirt for shy men. Personally I believe the nuances in storytelling such as Sebastian’s are much more effective than telling others how they should behave. Every flirt is unique!

  14. This is beautiful. Reading your work makes me smile. I appreciate the like on my work. I’m not terribly confident with it yet. It feels rusty. Thank you for sharing your gift.

  15. Terribly sweet beginning for Esmerelda. I appreciate your work, and the likes on my newer works. It’s far from perfect and feels awkward. Yours has wonderful flow, surprise and feels “insert appropriate word” [drawing a blank because I cannot place any flavor of word in the English language to express what I mean].

  16. At first I thought the man to be a giant creep. I still do. But after looking at the title I realized that he might be a gentleman after all. Still, it leaves a big opening for things to take a turn for the worse. I would love to see this turned into a horror or action film. One where Joaquin fights for her or Joaquin is a creepy gentleman who kills anyone who comes near his girl with flirtatious motives. (Just food for thought)

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